Services and Educational Content

In Ontario, an estimated 50% to 70% of litigants in Family Law are self-represented.  [See the reference to the FIT program below.]

As of December 31st 2022, Ernest G. Tannis ceased a vast, varied and vibrant 47+ year law practice.  He continues as a Negotiation Consultant and Educator for professionals and the general public in various courses that are currently in development.  These courses will soon be launched.  Though Ernie [the former Attorney] cannot provide legal advice, he can provide legal information.

The aforementioned courses include:

  • Legals for Life (LFL) – to complete one’s own Will [Holograph in one’s own handwriting, without the need for witnesses, nor a lawyer] and Power of Attorneys [for Health and Property].
  • Families In Transition (FIT)
  • For Licensees [Lawyers and Paralegals, who are Members of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO)] about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving, Communication Skills, relationships with various parties described in the Rules with whom Licensees interact within the Rules of the LSO Professional Code of Conduct reconciling the roles to resolutely advocate (5.1-1) and to seek compromise where appropriate (3.2-4), and the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure (CP), Rule 49 Offer to Settle and Rule 57.7 when the Court can award costs against a lawyer personally.

Educational Resources and Services for Family Mediation

Mediation is one option – a process, voluntarily chosen by the parties in dispute, that aims to have the parties arrive to their own amicable agreement.

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Services and Educational Content

An estimated 50% to 70% of litigants are self-represented. How do litigants manage their cases? Meet unbundled family legal services, a whole new approach to divorce in court.

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Explore helpful resources to ease you through your family dispute. Discover useful links surrounding family mediation and family law to see what will help find resolution.

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